Congrats to the Tammy, Keith, Cindy, Patty, Matt,
Kristin, and Lu for answering the first Clean Eating Challenge Knowlege Question correctly.
Stay alert for the next Knowledge Question, it will be presented sometime this week.
A reminder to team leaders you will need to compile your teammates week 1 scores
and post them on the score sheet in the box by 7:15 pm on Tuesday.
Warm-up: 3 Min Jump Rope 2 Rounds of 15 G2OH w/plate, 10 OH Lunges w/plate, 10 POF Squats. Dynamic Stretch
Strength: Back Squat
5@40% 5@50% 5@60%
For Time with a partner:
50 GHD Situps
50 T2B
50 Pullups
50 Box Jumps 24/20
50 Wallball 20/14
50 Slamball 40/30
50 Calorie Row
50 KB Swings 55/45
In all events only one partner working at a time.
Partners can alternate every rep.
Time Cap 30 Min.
Icing: Mobility Spend time on your Back and Hamstrings.