SFXF 45 Day Clean Eating Challenge Knowledge Challenge
During the course of the 45 Day Clean Eating Challenge we will post information on either the WOD page or the 45 Day Challenge page that will test your knowledge and or your skills at figuring things out as well as doing research. Points will be awarded if you meet criteria with your answers. Sometimes the points will apply to a team score, hence you need to get your team tuned in quickly. Sometimes the challenge will only benefit individuals, thus if you share info you actually hurt yourself. Submission of answers may come in the form of emails, text messages, personal contact, etc. The devil will be in the details so make sure you read the questions and or directions very carefully.
Knowledge Challenge #1
After reading/researching the information posted on the Challenge page, email me the correct amount, in grams, of Omega 3 Fish Oil you should be taking daily, and how you came up with that number. If your answer is correct you will be rewarded with 1 bonus point. This bonus point will only count towards your individual score. It will not contribute to your teams score. Email must be submitted no later than midnight 1.23.16
Open Gym
8:00 to 9:30 am
Come in
Lift some weights,
Do a WOD
Work on skills,
Improve mobility
This is a great time to focus on the fitness goals that you have set for yourself.
Coaches are here to work with you.