
FYI: Just a reminder challenge pareticipants…..Two Team Goals need to be submitted in a sealed envelope to the box by 6:30 pm today, (Friday). And Your two individual goals need to be submitted in a sealed envelope by 6:30 pm as well.
Do not put everything in the same envelope!!! 

Warm-up: Jog 3 min. Then 2 Rounds of 15 Air Squats, 10 Push-ups, 5 Groiners Dynamic Stetch, Sprints.

Strength:  Back Squat
5@75%      3@85%      3+@95%

WOD: 13.2

10 Min. AMRAP
5 Push Press 115/75 +55 95/55
10 Deadlift 115/75 +55 95/55
15 Box Jumps 24/20 +55 20/20
Compare to 1.12.15

Icing: Muscle-up skills work. 3 x Max effort if you have them.