FYI: This is taken from your opening day instructions for the CE Challenge.
Teams and Team Goals and Individual Goals
- Each individual must turn in Two Individual goals that are specific and measurable to Cal or Tami in a sealed envelope by the end of the day Friday, (6:30 pm). We will open the envelope at the end of the challenge. If you have questions about your goals talk with your teammates, Cal or Tami.
3. Each team must turn in Two Team Goals that are specific and measurable to Cal or Tami in a sealed envelope by the end of the day Friday, (6:30 pm). We will open the envelope at the end of the challenge. Get together with your teammates to formulate these goals.
Warm-up: Row 500m then 3 Rounds of 5 Burpee, 10 Wallball, 15 Situps. Dynamic Stretch
Strength: Split Jerk
5@65% 5@75% 5+@85%
For Time:
Thrusters 95/65
Bar Dips
Icing: Tabata Sit-ups