FYI: If you are taking part in the SFXF 45 Day Clean Eating Challenge it is important that you come to the Box fully hydrated. If you are working out in the morning drink a lot of water Sunday night. If you are coming in Monday afternoon drink lots of water all day. We will do you body fat assessment before we hit the WOD.
If you are not part of a team let Tami or Cal know so we can get you on a team.
Teams need to be formally put together by Wednesday at the 7:30pm.
Warm-up: 1/2 Tabata KB Swing, HR GPU, Sit-ups. Dynamic Stretch
Strength: Strict Press
5@75% 3@85% 3+@95%
WOD: SFXF 45 Day Challenge
12 min AMRAP
5 HR Push-up
10 KB Swing 45/35
15 Air Squat
Icing: Body Fat Assesment