Everybody in the Clean Eating Challenge Check your email.
Stand Firm CrossFit
Mid Winter 45 Day Clean Eating Challenge
Opening Day Instructions
- Open the attachments in your email and read through them.
- Print out the Score Sheet if you do not have EXCEL on your computer.
- If you have EXCEL open the active version of the score sheet and it will do the math for you.
- You must be fully hydrated for an accurate body fat assessment on Monday. Make sure that you come in for the WOD on Monday fully hydrated. Drink a lot of water on Sunday if you are a morning workout person. If you come in during the afternoon drink plenty of water during the day Monday.
- The Challenge WOD is Monday please make every effort to be at the BOX Monday. And you must give 100% on the WOD. If you do not your results for the challenge will be skewed.
Teams and Team Goals and Individual Goals
- Teams must be set by Wednesday 7:30pm. Team leaders or captains need to Email Cal with your team name and members. (sevenvslash@hotmail.com)
- Each individual must turn in 2 Individual goals that are specific and measurable to Cal or Tami in a sealed envelope by the end of the day Friday, (6:30pm). We will open the envelope at the end of the challenge. If you have questions about your goals talk with your teammates, Cal or Tami.
- Each team must turn in 2 Team Goals that are specific and measurable to Cal or Tami in a sealed envelope by the end of the day Friday, (6:30pm). We will open the envelope at the end of the challenge. Get together with your teammates to formulate these goals.
See you all tomorrow.