Sunday 1.17.2016

Everybody in the Clean Eating Challenge Check your email.

Stand Firm CrossFit

Mid Winter 45 Day Clean Eating Challenge

Opening Day Instructions

  1. Open the attachments in your email and read through them.
  2. Print out the Score Sheet if you do not have EXCEL on your computer.
  3. If you have EXCEL open the active version of the score sheet and it will do the math for you.
  4. You must be fully hydrated for an accurate body fat assessment on Monday. Make sure that you come in for the WOD on Monday fully hydrated. Drink a lot of water on Sunday if you are a morning workout person.  If you come in during the afternoon drink plenty of water during the day Monday.
  5. The Challenge WOD is Monday please make every effort to be at the BOX Monday. And you must give 100% on the WOD. If you do not your results for the challenge will be skewed.

Teams and Team Goals and Individual Goals

  1. Teams must be set by Wednesday 7:30pm. Team leaders or captains need to Email Cal with your team name and members. (
  2. Each individual must turn in 2 Individual goals that are specific and measurable to Cal or Tami in a sealed envelope by the end of the day Friday, (6:30pm). We will open the envelope at the end of the challenge. If you have questions about your goals talk with your teammates, Cal or Tami.
  3. Each team must turn in 2 Team Goals that are specific and measurable to Cal or Tami in a sealed envelope by the end of the day Friday, (6:30pm). We will open the envelope at the end of the challenge. Get together with your teammates to formulate these goals.

See you all tomorrow.