FYI: Be sure to check out the web page concerning the SFXF 45 Day Clean Eating Challenge. Go here to find out more details. I will be placing more information on this page over the next few days. If you want to take part and get “2 oars in the water”, get your team of 3 together and sign up at the box over the next two days. We will start up on Monday with the challenge WOD and body composition assessment. This challenge will change your life forever.
Warm-up: Row 1000m. 20 Medball Cleans. Dynamic Stretch
Strength: 3 Position Power Clean
EMOM 10 Min.
1 Rep from Position 1, 1 Rep From Position 2 and 1 Rep from Position 3.
Work up to AHAP
5 Rounds for Time:
1 Rope Accent 3/1
15 GHD Sit-ups
100m. Sandbag Shuttle Run
3 Laps Bear Crawl
Icing: 25 Toes to Rope and 25 Jump Lunges
Have you written your goals on the door ? WHY NOT?