Last workout of the calendar year.
Oh my gosh, 2015 went by so fast,
Tami and I are so lucky to have so many great people in the box.
Thank You ALL for making 2015 a wonderful year.
Our hope is for 2016 to be even better yet.
Warm-up: Set up for the WOD. Do some AH Swings and A few KB Swings.
5 Rounds For Time:
1000m. Row
30 KB Swings 45/35
30 Pull-ups
Compare to 12.31.14
Icing: A toast to the New Year.
Today we are only open for the 6 am, 7am. and 8:15 am classes.
Closed tomorrow for New Years Day.
This Saturday, (1/2), after OPEN GYM we will be taking the wall out to expand the gym area.
If you would like to come help please do.
We will be painting, cleaning, putting the floor down, cleaning, moving stuff around, cleaning.
Wear work clothing and have some gloves..