
Stand Firm CrossFit

holiday sched

On Christmas Eve, (12/24), we will not have classes in the afternoon.
Make sure you come in during a morning class for the infamous 12 Days of Christmas workout.
No classes on Christmas Day, (12/25).
We will be open on Saturday, (12/26), for Open Gym.
On New Years Eve, (12/31), we will not have classes in the afternoon.
Make sure you come in during the morning for the infamous New Years Eva workout.

No Classes on New years Day, (1/1).
We will be open on Saturday, (1/2), for Open Gym.


Warm-up: Row 1000m. Agility, Dynamic Stretch

Strength: Snatch Balance
3 Reps EMOM 10 Min.
Work up to AHAP OTG

santas cookies


15 Min AMRAP
10 T2B
15 KB Swing 45/35

Icing: Birthday Burpees for Matt, Doug and Michael.

Shea, good luck with your shoulder surgery today.
You are very much in our thoughts and prayers.