
Warm-up: Jog 4 Min, BBWU for Clean, Dynamic Stretch.

Strength: Squat Clean
3 Reps EMOM for 8 Min.
Build up to your WOD weight.

Battleship USS West Virginia sunk and burning at Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941. In background is the battleship USS Tennessee.
Battleship USS West Virginia sunk and burning at Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941. In background is the battleship USS Tennessee.


For Time:
12 Squat Cleans 155/115 (Moving debris)
7 Overhead Squats 95/65 (Helping others reach safety)
19 Bar Muscle ups/C2B Pullups (Mimic pulling yourself out of the water)
41 Russian Kettlebell Swings 55/35 (Tossing ammo to the man above you)
2,388m Row (Represents the number of Americans killed.)
Pearl Harbor Facts:
2,388 Americans died
1,178 Americans Wounded
21 American Ships were sunk or damaged
323 American Planes were destroyed
1,177 Americans served on the USS Arizona, only 333 survived


Icing: Tabata Handstand Holds

Christmas party poster