
please sign up for class    Please sign-up in advance for the classes that you plan to attend. To sign-up on the standfirmcrossfit.com website do so by clicking on the Blue Kettlebell which appears below the scrolling pictures. To sign up on a mobile device you can download the app, Mindbody Connect for no charge. Once you have this app on your phone class registration is very easy. If I can do it you can do it !!!

     Classes are designed to handle up to 12 athletes, when you register for a class, you will be able to see how many are already signed up. It may even say the class is full. At present, the 8:30 am, 4:30 and 5:15 pm class are very popular while we have more room in the 6 and 7 am classes and the 6:15 pm. class. If you go in to register for a class and it is full please attend a class that has space available. By having classes more balanced we will be better able to coach each of you and it opens up more possibilities in the programming of WOD’s.

Warm-up: Jog the Box 3 Min, Agility, YTW, BBWU.

Strength: Clean & Jerk/Hang Clean
L1: 50%-60%
L2: Minus 10%


2 Rounds For Time:
25 Back Squat 95/65
25 Pull-ups
25 T2B
25 Hang Power Clean 95/65

Icing: 25 HSPU

This is a busy season with lots going on.
Please take a second to see when your monthly membership payment is due.
The calendar which indicates your due date is posted next to the class doors in the box.
If you have questions please see Cal or Tami.