Where does the time go? 2015 is almost finished….so I wanted to remind everyone about their goals. Below are three photos of the Box Door and our goals. With a month left in
the year we need to get after it. 

Warm-up: 3 Rounds of 100 clicks, 10 Medball cleans, 10 Burpee Dynamic Stretch
Segment Clean
Strength: Segment Clean (Pause at Position 2 for two seconds.)
3 x 4
L1:60%-70%-70%-80% of Squat Clean 1RM
L2: Minus 10%
For Time:
Row 1000/800m
50 Medball Cleans 20/14
150 Double Unders 2/1
Row 1000/800m
Time Cap 30 Min.
Icing: Hollow Rock Tabata