HWY 40 Throwdown workouts are posted in the box.
They are all very doable. CrossFit is about expanding your limits.
Get in on the fun, get a partner and say I/WE can do this.
The last day to register is Monday the 14th.
We will schedule workouts for the next two Mondays and Tuesdays.
If you cannot pair up with your partner on those days we will make some arrangements to get the workout in.
Saturday is a good possibility as well.
Warm-up: Jog to Lois Lane and back. Agility. Dynamic Stretch
Strength: Push Press
L1: 3@70% 3@80% 3+@90%
L2: Minus 10%
5 Rounds For Time:
20 Wallball 20/14
20 Wallball Situps 20/14
20 Monster Rope Rows
Icing: 150 Double Unders.
If you do not have them lets work on it.