2.27.2025 JUMP AND CLEAN

Stand Firm Teams continue to grow! There is still time to sign up for the CrossFit Open. The first workout will be announced today at 1 pm. We will all be doing the workout each Friday but you will have an opportunity to complete the WOD Thursday evening through the end of the 530 evening class on Monday. Scores must be submitted no later than 6 pm Mtn Time on Mondays. Here is how you earn points for your team:
1 point Complete and submit the Open workout
5 points Complete your Bio on your CrossFit open page
3 points add a cover photo
3 points add your photo
1 point for each stat added (these are PRs and scores from benchmark WODS)
There will be points awarded to the top 3 scores in each age group and level (RX, Scaled, Foundations)
1 point for each athlete judged. Max 5 points per week
4 points to attend and be in the group photo for Friday Night Lights
2 Points to show up with the theme of the week (can be at any time you complete the WOD)
New this year will be 5 points for a first, max of 2 scores. A PR, your first Open, First RX, First MU, etc.
There will also be a diaper drive this year. Teams will be assigned a size to purchase with an attainable cap per team. Basically if you do not meet the cap your team will receive a point deduction.
Row 500 or 20 Cals on a bike then,
.5 Tabata
SDHP with KB
Box Step Ups
Sit ups
Dynamic Stretch
Athlete’s choice on lift 15 minutes to complete
10 reps to warm up
(10) 3 Reverse Hyper
Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:

• 10 box jumps 24/20
• 10 sand bag cleans 120/100
Watch the release of 25.1 this afternoon. There will be several videos released throughout the day after the announcement that will discuss strategy and warm up recommendations.
Sled Pulls