1.30.2025 ROMPER ROOM

4 Corners Bear Crawl between corners
10 each
Slam Ball
Mtn Climbers
Push Ups
Air Squats
Dynamic Stretch
Back Squat
2 second pause on last rep of each set
(6) 2
(4) 2
(2) 2
For Total Reps and Calories
Fight Gone Bad Style with 20 sec. Rest
3 rounds of:
1st min. Bike for Calorie
20 sec. Rest
2nd min. Wallball 20/14
20 sec. Rest
3rd min. GHD Sit-ups
20 sec. Rest
4th min. Medball Cleans 20/14
20 sec. Rest
5th min. Plate OH Step Back Lunges 35/25
20 sec. Rest

Athletes can start at any movement they want but must stay in order. At the end of each minute you have 20 seconds to transition to the next.
Foam Roller
Reverse Nordic 20 reps