1.15.2025 SECONDS COUNT   Recently updated !



If you are participating in the clean eating challenge you should have received your week 1 score sheet. You will fill out the score sheet and email it back at the end of the first week (Sunday night or Monday by noon). You will see the formulas are already in the sheet so you simply need to fill it out. Get with Matt if you need a score sheet or if you still need to complete the body weight assessment or complete the WOD or if you have any questions. There is still time to get in if you want!




2 rounds of
Row 300
10 SDHP with empty bar or PVC
10 Arch Hollow Swings
3 Burpees
Dynamic Stretch
Snatch Warm Up
Squat Snatch
8-50%, 6-65%, 4-75%, 3-80% or higher
For Time:
9-15-21-15-9 Reps of
KB Swing 55/35
At the end of the 1st minute and EMOM thereafter, perform 4 Burpees until finished
Reverse Nordic 20 reps
3-30 Second HS Holds

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