1.13.2025 CEC 25.1



This week we will begin the 2025 clean eating challenge. Monday and Tuesday we will complete the initial workout and assessments. We will email your scoresheets each week to keep track of your progress. If you would prefer a hard copy score sheet those will be provided as well. Score sheets will begin on Wed so you still have some time for meal prep or that last run to the buffet! Cost to get in is $30 that go towards some awesome prizes! This will be a great opportunity for each of us to improve our overall health with improvements to diet along with trying some new things along the way that may compliment the pursuit of fitness.

Jog the box for 4 min with footwork
3 rounds of:
10 air squats
16 mtn climbers
10 push ups
Dynamic Stretch
13 Min AMRAP
Row 750/650 then AMRAP
20 Sit Ups
20 DB Snatch (50/35)
20 DB Squats

Push Press
10 reps then
8-50%, 6-60%, 4-70%, 3-80%
Body weight assessments if you have not already completed them
20 VMO Squats
DU practice