12.18.2024 ON DASHER

Scott, Magic and Ashley

10 Shuttle Runs followed by 2 Rounds of
8 Shoulder Touches, 10 Box Step-ups, 8 Roll-ups
Dynamic Stretch

Seated Good Mornings / Ring Swings


5 Pullups
1 Box Jump
5 Pullups
2 Box Jump
5 Pullups
3 Box Jumps
Continue to add 1 Box Jump each round till time runs out.

15 Wallwalks
Reverse Nordic 20 reps


We have a lot of little kids coming into the gym these days.  We love kids and you love your kids but it all goes south when a little one gets hurt !!!  We are all good buddies until my kid or your kid gets hurt.  Blood is way thicker than water and if a little one gets hurt it’s BLOODTIME !!!  We have all gotten lax on the KIDS RULES at Stand Firm CrossFit.

 So down comes the HAMMER.

Here is our KIDS POLICY” as stated on the STAND FIRM CROSSFIT website.

At Stand Firm CrossFit we want to take a common sense approach to the children of our crossfitters. Tami and I love kids yet at the same time we don’t want to put ourselves and others in the box in a bad position when it comes to the little ones. Above all, we want to avoid the chance of children getting hurt at the box and we must fulfill our insurance carrier’s requirements in regards to children. Please, let’s work together to make sure that everyone is on the same page when it comes to children being at Stand Firm CrossFit.

Stand Firm CrossFit
Children’s Policy

1. At no time are children under the age of 12 allowed into the workout areas when there are classes going on. This includes the time before, during and after specific class session times, since some clients are warming up prior to a class and or are working on skills, strength and mobility movements after the conclusion of a class.
         1a. The same applies to children who are above the age of 12, who are not participating in a CrossFit class.

2. Parents who bring their children to the box are responsible for supervision and to provide activities that are appropriate for them to do in designated areas while they, (the parent), are in class. Stand Firm personnel and Stand Firm clients are not responsible to provide activities for, or to supervise your children.

3. During class sessions children are restricted to the kids room in the facility. It will be the responsibility of the parent to instruct their child/children as to what the rules are and where they are allowed to be while at Stand Firm CrossFit.

4. The outdoor areas of Stand Firm CrossFit include the concrete apron in front of the building only. All other areas are shared with Granby Heating and Sheetmetal. The parking lot is not a safe place for children to be. There are cars coming and going as well as delivery trucks, trash trucks and Granby Heating and Sheetmetal trucks. Do not let your kids play in the parking lot or around the sides or back of the building. If your children play on the big tires in front of the building they run the risk of injury….. be aware of that.

The bottom line is our insurance does not allow kids to be in the workout area.  It puts everyone in a bad position, this includes fellow crossfitters, coaches and kids that are following tht rules.  So please help us to all TIGHTEN UP when it comes to kids in the gym.