TONIGHT is our night to celebrate the CHRISTMAS season and the past year.  

Doors will open at 4:00 pm

We eat (bring something yummy) at 4:30 pm

Reindeer Games at 5:15 pm

Highlight Film  at 6:00 pm

Secret Santa at 6:45 pm

Reindeer Game #1


8 min. AMHHLAP
Teams will have 8 minutes to advance various objects 20 ft. once every object has been advanced one child on the team will ride the Hippity Hop around the track and back home.  Score is determined by the total number of Hippity Hop Laps the kids make for their team in the 8 minutes..  Oh yea, there are AIR SQUATS involved.

Reindeer Game #2


5 min. AMPAP
Teams while holding hands will pass a Hula Hoop around the circle. Score is the number of people the Hula Hoop passes over in the time alloted.

Reindeer Game #3


8 min. to Complete
Build a SUPER REINDEER because Santa is going to need him.


For Time:
Santa and his SUPER REINDEER deliver packages.
Box Jumps 16″ (may step)
Row for Calorie
Burpee on Plat