11.14.2024 GENEROSITY

Stand Firm CrossFit….Thank you for your incredible generosity!!!

2 Rounds of
300m Row, 10 Each w/barbell Deadlift, Hang Clean, S2OH
Dynamic Stretch

2 reps of Panda Pull + Power Clean EMOM for 5 min.
4 reps of Clean and Jerk EMOM for 5 min.


For Max Reps of Clean and Jerk Reps:
3 Rounds
3 min. to Complete 500/450m Row
followed by Max Reps Clean and Jerk
Rest 2 min.

Round 1 C&J Wt. 155/125
Round 2 C&J Wt. 135/95
Round 3 C&J Wt. 95/65

Tabata – Handstand weight shifts on the wall.
KOT – Ankle Raises on Slant Board 20 Reps each leg.

Stand Firm CrossFit…Thank you for your incredible generosity!!!