8.13.2024 MAY DOG

Daniel and Addison

1K Row or 50 Calorie Bike
Dynamic Stretch

Clean Warm-up
(4)3 Clean Panda Pull
(2)4 Panda Pull / Squat Clean


For Total Reps and 1 RM Squat Clean
4 min. AMRAP
4 Burpee Box Jump Over 24/20
2 Squat Clean 95/65
2 min. Rest
4 min. AMRAP
4 Burpee Box Jump Over
2 Squat Clean 135/95
2 min. Rest
4 min. To determine:
1 RM Squat Clean

Get 10 Bar Muscle-ups
KOT – Tib Raises 20 Reps

Please, Review information regarding the HWY 40 Throwdown.

We have added a “Foundations” division. You can choose this division regardless of age but the only kicker with this, will be if, you compete in the Foundations division, there will only be three winners. So, any top three MM/FF team can compete/win.

The movements we will use are the following:

Run / Bike / Row – distances will vary based on division .
Box Jump Overs and Step Overs
Handstand Walks – RX only (only one partner needs to be able to do)
T2B – RX / Knee Raises-Scaled / Toes to Ball Rig-Foundations
Pull-ups RX and Scaled (only one partner needs to be able to do) — end of a workout
Bar Muscle ups – RX only (only one partner needs to be able to do) — end of a workout
Power Snatches – RX 75/55 / Scaled 55/35 / Foundations 35/15
Burpees for everyone!
Wallballs – RX 20/14 / Scaled 14/10 / Foundations 10/6
Lunges – RX 50/35 / Scaled 35/25 / Foundations – Body Weight
Wallwalks – RX and Scaled only
Heavy Lift – Squat Cleans (max lift per person)