7.30.2024 EUSTESS

Here is a look back to last years HWY 40 Throwdown participants from Stand Firm CrossFit.  Bringing home the “GOLDEN KETTELBELL” for a 6th straight year is going to take another group like this.  We work hard all year for moments like this.

400m Run followed by 2 Rounds of Cindy.
Dynamic Stretch

10    (5)2    (3)2    (1)3
Work for a heavy single today.


For Time:

4 Rounds
42 Double Unders (2/1 singles)
21 Wallball 20/14
12 Alternating DB Snatch 70/50

KOT – Reverse Step-ups on Slant Board
Get your name on the whiteboard for the HWY 40 Throwdown, which takes place on Sept. 7th.  We are going to need a lot of partcipation if we are going to defend the “GOLDEN KETTELBELL”. We must have teams submitted by August 15th. That gives us two weeks to get our teams organized. Last year we took 13 teams of 3 to the Throwdown. We need to match that number. Information is on the whiteboard regarding the age groups and the movement weights and standards.  If you have any questions ask Cal or Tami or someone in the picture above.