Today we simulate what will be happening in 2 weeks, when the 1st workout of the 2024 CrossFit OPEN is released. You have a recommended warm-up and then you will spend some time on a new movement and then your off to the races. If the class is larger that 10, we will do two flights of the workout. That way everyone has space on the rig for T2B or K290. Today also gives you a chance to scale a workout along the lines of how it will be scaled in the OPEN. Take your pick of RX or Scaled or Foundations…Either way you will get good and tired.
3 Rounds of Row 15 Calorie, 10 KB Swings, 10 AH Swings. Dynamic Stretch. After the warm-up drill the Hang DB Clean and Jerk. Get familiar fast.
WOD: OPEN 18.1
20 min. AMRAP
8 T2B
10 DB Hang Clean and Jerk (5 with each arm)
14/12 Calorie Row
Men use 50 lb. DB
Women use 35 lb. DB
Men use 35 lb. DB
Women use 20 lb. DB
Men perform K290, use 35 lb. DB
Women perform K290, use 20 lb. DB
Men perform Situps to DB’s, use a 20 lb. DB
Women perform Sit-ups to DB’s, use 10 lb. DB