Leo is in !!!!! Our list of CrossFit OPEN participants is growing. If you have not signed up yet, today is the day. Click on the photo above to get signed-up.
Jog the Box 4 min.
2 Rounds of 10 Each K290, 16 Shoulder Touches, 10 Goblet Squat
Dynamic Stretch
GHD Sit-ups / Ring or Bar Dips
For Time:
5 Rounds w/partner
P1 Bike 20/15 Calorie
P2 20 OH Squat 95/65
P1 20 OH Squat 95/65
P2 Bike 20/15 Calorie
Athletes earn rest by finishing ahead of your partner.
One bike per team of 2. Teams can have 2 bars if athletes use differnt weights for the OH Squat.
KOT – Monkey Foot, 20 reps each foot