1.5.2024. FLYING HEELS

2 Rounds of 20/15 Calorie Bike, 16 Shoulder Touches, 20 Sit-ups
Dynamic Stretch

Reverse Hyper / Push Jerk
15+10/40    15+8/50    15+6/60    15+4/70


For Time:
75/60 Calorie Bike
24/18 Wallwalks
75/60 Calorie Bike (Athlete, must pedal backwards for this segment.)

Floater – 300 ft of Backpedal Sled Pull 75/50
(12 total lengths=300 feet)

The Bike and Wallwalk segments cannot be broken up unless it is for Sled Pull.
Floater, (Sled Pull), can be broken-up as needed.

KOT – Tear Drop Squats – 20 Reps


Here is the link to the Weekly Planning Sheets. If you use your MY FITNESS PAL
to establish your caloric intake according to your goals. You can then print out the appropriate planning sheet that matches your calories per day requirement. Scroll down on the page that is linked above until you see the list below.   These are the planning sheets that you can use for guiding to a balance clean diet.  Click on them to discover which one works for you then print it out.