Congrats to Cat, Kyle, Gretta, Jeri, Elizabeth, Bill and Bruce. 12 hours of bike racing. So is this a “Before” or “After” photo?
2 Rounds of 500m Row, 1 Round of Cindy and 15 KB Swings
Dynamic Stretch
ATG Split Squat in Back Rack Position
6/5 (R+L=2)
Get Three sets of 15 Reps of Reverse Hyper in as well
For Time:
3 Rounds
10 Toes to Rings
3 Tire Flip
10 KB Swings 55/35
2 Rounds
15 Toes to Rings
6 Tire Flips
15 KB Swings
1 Round
30 Toes to Rings
9 Tire Flips
30 KB Swings
Your 1% in 2 min.
KOT – Tabata Bike Pedel Backwards
Deadhang for 90 seconds.