This is you today.
3 Times around Four Corners, 10 Reps in each corner
Sit-ups, Slamball, Burpee, AH Swings
Lunge from corner to corner.
Dynamic Stretch
Snatch Grip Deadlift
10/30 8/35 6/40 (4/50)3
% is based on 1RM Deadlift
For Time W/Partner:
5 Rounds
20 Calorie Bike (must pedel backwards)
2 30m Backpedel Sled Pull 75/45
20 Partner Deadlift 225/155
Partners can work together and at the sometime. Partners cannot pull the sled together, however. Split time on the bike or 1 partner bikes while 1 partner pulls a sled.
Partners do the Deadlift together, (both on the bar at the same time).
Your 1% in 2 min.
KOT – Reverse Step-ups on elevated slant board 20 Reps each leg.
Deadhang 90 sec.
Muscle-up Progressions
Start to Formulate your HWY 40 Throwdown Team