2 Rounds of 15 Each
KB Swing, Goblet Squat, Sit-ups
Dynamic Stretch
OH Squat (OTG)
10/30 8/40 (6/50)3
If you can snatch more than 50%, go heavier in the last couple sets.
5 min. to Run 800m,
then with time remaining
Max Reps of Power Snatch 75/55
1 min. Rest
4 min. to Run 600m,
then with time remaining
Max Reps of Clean and Jerk 95/65
1 min. Rest
3 min. to Run 400m,
then with time remaining
Max Reps of Power Clean 135/95
1 min. Rest
2 min. to Run 200m,
then with time remaining
Max Reps of Deadlift 185/145
Score is total barbell lifts over the 17 min. workout.
Your 1% in 2 min.
KOT – VMO Squats 20 Reps
Deadhang 90 Sec.
Muscle up progressions.