2.24.2023 OPEN 23.2A and 23.2B

Pauline and Joe working hard on CrossFit OPEN 23.2…..The reward, “Hawaii here we come”!!!

Here is how today works.

1. When you get to the BOX sign-up for your workout time. Make sure you are signing up in an appropriate lane for the level of workout you are going to do. And take into consideration how tall yuou are.  Some lanes are more appropriate for either tall or short people.
2. Fill out a scoresheet with your name and the level that you intend to do.
3. Read over the information sheets posted on the whiteboard in the main gym and make sure you know what movements/weights and reps that you are going to be required to do for your workout. If you are confused talk to your coach or a teammate, they will be able to answer questions.
4. About 15 minutes prior to your workout heat time start your warm-up. Get in some rowing or biking, then some Thrusters (you will need to load your bar with your opening weight prior to the workout.  Open with a weight that you know you can make even when you are very tired.
5. During the 5 minutes when the heat in front of you is working on the 1 Rep Max Thruster you can do a few Burpee Pull-ups. Get used to your lane and how you are going to jump up to the bar. If you need a box or plates to reach the bar get that accomplished. When the heat in front of you finishes the workout completely you need to set up a bar with your opening Thruster weight.
6. Hand your scoresheet to a judge and get ready for 3,2,1…GO!!!!

7. When you finish your workout get the bottom of your scoresheet and submit your results. You can scan the scoresheet which will take you to the website for submitting scores.  Remember you only get credit for doing the workout if you submit your results to CrossFit. There are two scores, make sure you submit both.
8. Now that you are finished take a turn judging and or cheering on your teammates and friends in the gym.

WOD: 23.2A

15 min. AMRAP

5 Burpee Pull-ups
10 Shuttle Runs (1 rep = 50 ft)
10 Burpee Pull-ups
10 Shuttle Runs
15 Burpee Pull-ups
10 Shuttle Runs

* Continue to Add 5 Burpee Pull-ups after each round.


Immediately following 23.2A, athletes will have 5 minutes to establish:

1 Rep Max Thruster