2.23.2023 TRAINING DAY


Jog the Box 4 min.
Group Agility
Dynamic Stretch

OH Squat
(10)2 on Slant Board
(4)4 2 Second Pause at the Bottom of the Squat.


1st min. – 25 Double Unders
2nd min. – 6 DB Snatch
3rd min. – 4 DB OH Walking Lunges
Athletes choose a DB weight the matches the weight you would need to use for an OPEN workout.


“Stand Firm CrossFit Cup” participants we are entering our second week of competition. The race for the most coveted fitness trophy in Grand County is heating up.  Last week we saw great participation at FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS, we saw many outstanding performances on a very challenging workout and we saw most people in THEME. Team points are posted in the gym so check them out. We have a lot of points up for grabs in the two next weeks.

Here is a rundown on how you can help your team win!!!

  • 1 pt. Complete and then submit your results CrossFit OPEN workout.
  • 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 pts. Possible for placing in your age division in an OPEN workout.
  • 5 pts. For attendance at “Friday Night Lights”. You do not have to workout on Friday Night.
  • 2 pts. For being dressed VISABLY and OBVIOUSLY in “Theme of the Week” when you attend “Friday Night Lights” or when you come in to do your OPEN workout.
  • 1 pt. For judging an OPEN workout. Limit 5 judging points per week.
  • 5 pts. Complete, (if you are a 1st timer), or UPDATE, (if you are a veteran), your CrossFit Bio. Your Bio needs to be more than a couple sentences long,  and it needs to clearly indicate that it is current and up to date. How you do that is up to you.
  • 3 pts. Place a profile photo on your CrossFit profile page.
  • 3 pts. Place a banner photo on your CrossFit profile page.
    12 points. Place as many statistics as you can on your profile page. This is stuff like; height, weight, deadlift, Fran time, etc. You may not have all the stats they ask for, but everyone has a some of them.
  • 20 pts. Take the 2023 CrossFit Judges Course,  bring in your Certificate we will pay you your $10 Back.
  • 100 team points for the team wins the Diaper Drive