2.21.2023 THE WIZARD

Bruce and Kyle

3 rounds of Cindy
Dynamic Stretch

ATG Front Rack Split Squats / Ring Swings


10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Reps of
Box Jumps 24/20
Thruster 75/45

KOT – Reverse Step-ups

STAND FIRM CrossFit CUP teams, We are going to include a bonus point opportunity for the last week of the competition. We are announcing it today so that you have plenty of time to accomplish the bonus requirements if you wish. It seem like we have a new addition to the Stand Firm CrossFit Family each spring. We want to help Kyle and Tori out with their new little one, Ottilie Sue. To do this we are going to have a Diaper Drive as part of the In House competition.
So here is how you can earn points for your team.
Diaper Size / Value per Diaper or Wipe
Wipes .10 pt
Newborn / 1 pt
Size 1 / 1 pt
Size 2 / 1.2 pts
Size 3 / 1.2 pts
Size 4 / 1.4 pts
Size 5 / 1.4 pts

Final Team Points to be awarded will be:
1st Place 100 pts, 2nd Place 90 Pts., 3rd Place 80 pts., 4th Place 70 pts.

Bring in your Diapers or wipes with your name and your team name clearly printed on the box or packaging. Diapers must be in the gym by March 3rd.