Donette, Angela and Kelli
2 Rounds of 15 Calorie Bike, 1 Round of Cindy
Dynamic Stretch
Deficit Deadlift
10 8 6
Do not exceed 60% of your 1RM
Every 3 minutes, complete 2 rounds of:
8/6 Calorie Bike
8/6 Slamball 40/30
Time Cap: 12 min.
Increase the number of reps for each movement by 2 (10, 12, 14, etc) every 3 minute interval until you can not complete the rounds. Athletes do not have to wait for the 3 min. to expire before moving to the next set of 2 rounds. Score is total number of reps. If you finish 8 Rounds before the 12 min. ends, record the time on the clock for your score.
KOT – Reverse Step-ups 20 Reps Each Leg
If you are interested in becoming a more complete CrossFit athlete, If you want to understand CrossFit methodology better, if you want to improve your CrossFit movement, if you want to earn bonus points for your “Stand Firm CrossFit CUP” team, sign-up and take this years Judges Course. If you take, and pass the course we will refund the money, ($10), you spend to take it. Just print out your certicate of completion, bring it to the box and get your $10 back. Click HERE to acces the website for taking the 2023 CrossFit Judges Course. Your Team will thank you.