2.1.2023 HERO WOD “DORK”

3 Rounds of 100 Clicks, 10 KB Swings and 10 Push-ups
Dynamic Stretch


For Time:
6 Rounds
60 Double-Unders
30 Kettlebell Swings 55/35
15 Burpees

Firefighter Michael Kennedy was a Crossfit Level 1 instructor at Crossfit Together (Hyde Park, MA, USA) – his nickname was “Coach Dork”. On March 26, 2014 Michael died fighting a nine-alarm fire in Boston, MA.

Kennedy reportedly said he wanted to be the first one in “the pipe man” who grabs a hose and rushes into the burning building. Firefighter Dennis Keith told Boston Globe that was supposed to be his job that day, but he gave it to his buddy instead, never imagining what would happen next.

Mike Kennedy of Ladder Co. 15 was 33 and had a little over 6 years of service with the Boston Fire Department.

CrossFitters around the world have participated in multiple different hero workouts dedicated to Michael “Dork” Kennedy.

With time remaining today work on a skill that you need to improve on.
KOT – Monkey Foot – 20 Reps each leg.