7.12.2022 CLOBBERED

N8 gets that 99th Rep.

A photo taken several years ago during the OPEN. Tami and I want to thank Nate for 8 years of coaching here at Stand Firm CrossFit. Nate has been key to our success as a CrossFit here in Granby. He has been the early morning, (5:45), Coach, for the past 8 Years. What an amazing warrior….In the dead of winter you could count on Nate to open the doors at 5:30 in the morning. Despite having 3 little kids, building a house, and making it to work on time. That takes a special kind of dedication. It is that kind of dedication that we all need to be very thankful for, we will miss Nate as he steps away from coaching. We wish him and his family the best as they build a second home and focus on Family.

Row or Bike 5 min.
2 Rounds 10 KB Swings, 10 Goblet Squat, 10 Push-up

Bench Press
3 Counts on the decent.


3 Rounds for Total Clean and Jerk Reps
3 min. to
500m Row
With time remaining Max Reps Clean and Jerk 135/95
3 min. Rest

Foam Roll