Good Luck to this young man as he heads to Eastern Washington University to be a Strength Coach. Go Will!!!
1/2 Tabata w/Barbell
Deadlift, Back Squat, S2OH
Tempo Deadlift
(3)5 at 65% of 1 RM
The decent of the completed Deadlift is executed over 3 seconds.
800m Run
4 Rounds of Bergeron Beep Test
400m Run
3 Rounds of Bergeron Beep Tyest
200m Run
2 Rounds of Bergeron Beep Test
100m Run
1 Round of Bergeron Beep Test
Bergeron Beep Test is:
7 Thrusters 95/65
7 Pull-ups
7 Burpees
Sign-up for the HWY 40 Throwdown. We need people to be signed up by the end of the week so that t-shirts can be ordered. If you want to get in but need a partner we can match you up with someone.