5.25.2022 AGSF 22.1

Saturday Morning…….Doors OPEN at 6:00 am, First Heat Starts at 6:30 am, Second Heat Starts at 7:45 am and the Third Heat Starts at 9:00 am.   Kris, Dave and John are once again serving up Breakfast for everyone. We ask that you put $20 in the HERO WOD Jar. That money will be donated to an organization that supports veterans.

3 Rounds of Row 300m, 10 Push-ups, 10 Hollow Rocks, 10 Air Squats
Dynamic Stretch.

10 min. to Set-up and Warm-up your bench press.

WOD: AGSF 22.1

For time:
500m Row
30 Bench Press
1000m Row
20 Bench Press
2000m Row
10 Bench Press

35-54: 185 / 125
55-64: 135 / 95
65+: 115 / 75

Time Cap: 30 min

MOBILITY Pec Smash with LaCross Ball
KOT ????