3 Rounds of Bike 20 Calories, 10 Reverse Hyper, Clean Warm-up
Dynamic Stretch

Clean High Pull (3)3
Hang Squat Clean (3)3
Squat Clean (3)3 Build to and above the weight you will use for the workout.


For Time:

8 Rounds
3 Squat Clean 155/105
100m Sprint
4 Wall Walks
100m Sprint

Shoulder Mobility Banded Distraction

Lots going on at

Stand Firm CrossFit


We are finishing up the Diaper Drive for Bryant and Allie.  Please try to get diapers or wipes in to the box by Friday. Allie is due any day.




Please sign your name on the whiteboard in the main gym if you are going to do “MURPH” on Saturday the 28th.  Kris, Dave and John are going to, once again, provide a great breakfast for everyone who takes part in the annual Memorial Day workout.  We need to know how many to expect so that we can get food for that morning.


Next Tuesday Nina goes in for hip surgery.  This is a major surgery and her recovery is going to take a while.  That leaves Nate with a lot on his plate.  So, we are going to start a meal train for them. The sign-up is posted on the whiteboard next to the the “MURPH” sign-up in the main gym.