Rockin “Friday Night Lights”.

1/2 Tabata, KB Swing, 1/2 Kneeling KB Bottoms Up Press RT, 1/2 Kneeling KB Bottoms Up Press LT
Dynamic Stretch

(10)3 Reverse Hyper
Clean Warm-up
3 Clean & Jerk EMOM for 6 min.
Build to your workout weight.


For Time:
2 Clean & Jerk 135/95
20 Double Unders
4 Clean & Jerk
40 Double Unders
6 Clean & Jerk
60 Double Unders
8 Clean & Jerk
80 Double Unders
10 Clean & Jerk
100 Double Unders


KOT – Reverse Nordic 20 Reps
KOT – Reverse Sled Pull

STAND FIRM CrossFit CUP teams
Theme for 22.3 is…..“LET FREEDOM RING”

Let’s be creative and have fun on the last workout of the CrossFit OPEN. “Friday Night Lights” this week will conclude the OPEN, we will celebrate with POTLUCK and Clean Eating Challenge 22.1 Awards. Everyone is encouraged to attend and celebrate the tremendous accomplishments of so many people who you workout with everyday. Bring some food to share and something to wash it down with.
Remember to submit your 22.2 results and get your “ATHLETE PROFILE PAGE” completed. There are 23 points per person available for your team.