1.3.2022 TLC



Bike or Row for 5 min.
2 Rounds of 10 each Air Squats, Sit-ups, and Push-ups
Dynamic Stretch

Front Squat
2 Sets of 10 on Slant Boards
3/65    3/70    3/75    (10/65)2


For Time:
8 Rounds
8 Thrusters 75/55
8 V-Sits
8 SlamBall 40/30

Place an asterisk next to the goals you met in 2021.
KOT – Reverse Step-ups 6″ up.

Clean Eating Challenge 22.1 kicks off tomorrow with the 1st day of Body Composition Assessments.  If you want to participate be sure to attend class tomorrow or Wednesday. Below is are the guidelines for CEC22.1

Welcome to the Stand Firm CrossFit Clean Eating Challenge 2022.  From here on referred to as CEC22.1.  We are excited to have you on-board for what, we hope, will prove to be a life changing experience.  Our motto for the CEC22.1 is Be Badger…Badgers don’t eat sugar. 

In this information packet you will find important dates, the basic parameters of the CEC, the rules, how points are awarded and how award winners are determined.  Please read through this information carefully so that you are familiar with the CEC on every level.

Here is the schedule for CEC 22.1

Jan 4th – CEC 22.1 Pre Challenge Body Composition Assesment

Jan 5th – CEC 22.1 Pre Challenge Body Composition Assesment

Jan 6th – CEC 22.1 Pre Challenge Workout.  This workout is to establish a baseline of your current physical condition. If you cannot make it in today, make arrangements to complete the workout at another time.

Jan 7th – Week 1 Scoresheet Issued.

Jan 10th – Start logging your eating, workout, mobility, sleep, and H2O intake on week 1 Scoresheet.

Jan 17 – Week 1 Scoresheet due in, Pick up week 2

Jan 24 – Week 2 Scoresheet due in, pick up week 3

Jan 31 – Week 3 Scoresheet due in, pick up week 4

Feb 7 – Week 4 Scoresheet due in, pick up week 5

Feb 14 – Week 5 Scoresheet due in, pick up week 6

Feb 21 – Week 6 Scoresheet due in, pick up week 7

Feb 28th – CEC 22.1 Post Challenge Workout

Mar 1st – CEC 22.1 Post Challenge Body Composition Assessment

Mar 2nd – Week 7 Scoresheet due in

Mar 11th – CEC22.1 Awards Party along with the final workout of the CrossFit Open.

– How to Set Yourself Up for Success –

Step 1: Plan for success

Take time to set your intentions for the Challenge. Lose body fat? Sleep better? Eat out less? Perform in the gym better? Lose a few inches?  Understanding your intent before the Challenge will help guide you through the 7 weeks to ensuring your highest level of success during and after the Challenge.

Step 2: Pick up your Scoresheet.

Every Challenger gets a weekly scoresheet, where we encourage you to log your daily food, workouts, water and sleep notes. Look over the scoresheet carefully, so that you are sure to fill it out completely and correctly.  Keep it in a handy place so that you can fill it out after each meal or at the very least at the end of each day.  To help you remember what you eat through the course of the day take a photo of your meals with your phone.  You are required to turn in your scoresheet by the end of business on Mondays, (7:30 pm). 

Step 3: Be sure to attend a class on Tuesday, Jan 4th, or Wednesday, Jan 5th, so that you can have your “BODY COMPOSITION ASSESMENT” completed.

For this challenge we will do either a 7 site Skin Fold Test or a Tape Measure Test to determine body composition.

Step 4: Prep your food

Preparing your meals ahead of time for the week is key in staying on track during the Challenge. Whether you cook on Sunday or split it up into two meal prep days per week, having food ready to go is a big key to success. This eliminates things like last minute grocery shopping while hungry, deciding to eat out or get takeout because there isn’t anything prepared.  Or even missing a meal which can throw you off in the end.

Choose a day or two that you’ll prep and plan your list. Shop the day before to make things easier.

Step 5: Make it a priority to attend workouts.

We will do the CEC22.1 Pre-workout on Tuesday the 6th.  After that we encourage you to attend at least 4 workouts a week.  5 is even better, if you can.  You can do “at home” workouts if you are unable to attend class. Remember, at home workouts are worth 3 points not 5.

Step 6: Be sure to check the workout of the day page (WOD) at standfirmcrossfit.com each day

It is on that page where we will pass along information that should help you succeed during CEC21.1.  Nutrition information, bonus point information and other valuable info is sent to you via the “Workout of the Day” page at standfirmcrossfit.com.

Step 7: Have fun!

Most importantly, this should be a benefit to your life. It will be a challenge, it may be difficult and inconvenient at times, but it should not be any type of major stressor on your life. If you begin to feel overwhelmed, reach out and talk to one of us or your fellow challengers for support. That’s why you’re doing this as a group!

How do you score Points?

Eat Clean, Drink Water, Workout, Sleep and Keep Track of it all.

Veggies and then more VEGGIES – 1 point for every cup of fresh or frozen veggies consumed each day.

This will help you lean more to a plant-based diet. Canned vegetables are not acceptable. This element of the challenge will reduce insulin spikes, decrease body fat, support your immune system, improve your gut flora, and give you all kinds of nutrients. You will need to get proficient at measuring, but my guess is that within a week you should get the hang of it.

Keep a daily food intake log – 5 pts/day (35 pts/week)

Record your meals, snacks and beverages each day. Research has shown that a food log can create accountability and improve eating habits!  Stay current with your food log.  Don’t wait until the end of the week to fill it out.

Get 7 Hours of Sleep every night- 5 pts/day (35 pts/week)

Sleep is essential for basic maintenance and repair of the neurological, endocrine, immune, musculoskeletal and digestive systems. Improved sleep helps you lean out, balance hormones, avoid depression, autoimmunity, heart disease, etc.

Get in a Workout at least 5 days a week. – 5 pts/day (25 pts/week)

This challenge is about creating accountability and consistency, so we want you to log your workouts (5 points per day you work out). To get 5 points the workout must be in our gym. At home workouts are worth 3 pts.  High-intensity exercise initiates a response in your body to burn existing fat and build muscle for 24-48 hours. It also increases overall energy levels, increases bone density, and all-around stability and longevity of your body.

Drink lots of Water -? points

Hydration is key to keeping your joints healthy, maintaining a normal blood pressure and flushing your system. You get 1 point per 16 oz of water that you drink in a 24-hour period.  You are encouraged to drink up to ½ your body weight in oz of water each day.

Spend 15 minutes each day on MOBILITY. – 5 pts/day (35 pts/week)

To earn this point you must spend 15 minutes outside the gym stretching, foam rolling, messaging, etc. You will be amazed at how much better you will feel when you consistently spend time on mobility. If you need help on this, a great place to go is the app GOWOD”.

Bonus Point Challenges -? Points

There will be at least 2 Bonus Point Challenges during CEC22.1.  The value of these challenges will be announced when they are issued.

How do you lose Points?

If you eat something that falls into the Not Clean category you must take a 5-point penalty. A comprehensive list will be posted at the gym and will be posted on-line for you to refer to.  Basically, you cannot consume any foods that are highly processed, have added sugar, contain alcohol, are considered Junk Food, contain additives.


  • Refined Grains These usually come in the form of crackers and cereal.
  • Some Dairy. If it has sugar or additives in it, you must avoid it.
  • No beer, ciders, wine, or liquors of any kind. Your body will thank you! Plus, no added alcohols in things like vanilla extract, etc.
  • See the comprehensive list of sugars. Un-refined honey and pure maple syrup are allowed in very small amounts.
  • Treats, junk foods, or chips. We’re talking about chips, pizzas, cookies, ice-cream etc.
  • No carrageenan, sulfites, nitrates, or gums. If you can’t pronounce it or really decipher what is it, don’t bother trying to justify it. It’s just 50 days days!!


Non-Compliant Whole30 Sugars

Keeping track of all the names for sugar can be difficult, so I’ve written (most of) them down here for you. Read your labels! None of these are compliant.


  • acesulfame-K
  • agave nectar
  • arabitol
  • aspartame
  • beet sugar
  • brown sugar
  • (evaporated) cane juice
  • cane sugar
  • coconut nectar
  • coconut sugar
  • confection’s sugar
  • date sugar
  • date syrup
  • dextrose
  • disaccharide
  • dulcitol
  • Equal
  • erythritol
  • fructose
  • galactose
  • glucose
  • glycerin (glycerol)
  • glycol
  • high fructose corn syrup
  • HSH
  • iditol
  • isomalt
  • lactitol
  • lactose
  • malt syrup
  • maltitol
  • maltose
  • mannitol
  • molasses
  • monk fruit extract
  • monosaccharide
  • Nutra-Sweet
  • polyglycitol
  • polysaccharide
  • raw sugar
  • refiner’s syrup
  • ribitol
  • ribose
  • rice malt (extract)
  • rice syrup
  • saccharin
  • saccharose
  • sorbitol
  • Splenda
  • stevia
  • sucralose
  • sucrose
  • sugar
  • Sweetleaf
  • Sweet-n-Low
  • (sweet) sorghum
  • threitol
  • treacle
  • Truvia
  • xylitol



Whole30 Non-Compliant Additives

Some additives are Whole30-compliant, and some are not. Here’s the no-no Whole30 food list. If the item in question has one of these? No dice, my friend.


  • carrageenan
  • corn starch
  • monosodium glutamate (MSG)
  • potassium metabisulfite
  • sodium bisulfite
  • soy lecithin
  • sulfites
  • sulfur dioxide