11.24.2021 PILGRIM

David and Michael

Row 1 K
2 Rounds of Basic Barbell Warm-up
10 Each: Deadlift, Hang Clean, Push Press, Front Squat(on Slant Board)
Dynamic Stetch

Clean Pull
3 reps EMOM for 5 min.
Snatch Pull
3 Reps EMOM for 5 min.
Use 80% to 110% of your 1 RM Clean weight and then Snatch weight.


For Total Reps:
3 rounds “Fight Gone Bad Style”
1st min – S2OH 75/55
2nd min – Hollow Rocks
3rd min – Barbell OH Lunges 75/55
4th min – Rest

Pick up your SFXF “SECRET SANTA” pairing. Look for your envelope in the front room on the soft box jump boxes.

FYI: Tomorrow, (Thanksgiving Day), we will have one class at 8am. Please be on time. It is a fun workout that takes the entire hour to complete.