11.5.2021 FRIANE

Gay, Claire, Jill, and Kelly

2 Rounds of 15 Cal Bike, 2 Rounds of Cindy

Halting Clean Deadlift
(5)5 Building to 60%+ of your Deadlift 1RM
Pause for two to 3 seconds at the upper thigh.


Perform a clean deadlift up to the designated height (usually upper thigh or hip), keeping the shoulders over the bar, and hold this position for 2-3 seconds before returning the bar to the floor. Most commonly the pause position will be at the upper thigh or hip; in this position, the shins should be approximately vertical, the bar in light contact with the legs, and the shoulders slightly in front of the bar. The weight should be balanced over the whole foot with full foot contact on the floor.


The halting clean deadlift is primarily a tool to strengthen an athlete to allow him or her to be able to stay over the bar long enough during the pull of the clean. It also helps reinforce position and balance earlier in the pull because it’s typically performed at a more controlled speed.


For Time:
21-15-9 Reps of
Deadlift 225/155
Handstand Push-ups

GHD Hip Extention (10)4


We will have OPEN GYM from 8 to 9 am then the Clinic will begin at 9.