New Toys!!! A huge Thank-you to everyone who chipped in to help purchase the two YOKES.
2 rounds of Row 300m, 10 Step-ups/box Jumps, 3 Wall Walks, 10 Knees to 90.
Dynamic Stretch
Power Snatch / Thruster
2 + 2 EMOM for 8 min.
We are warming up the workout movements.
In 8 min. complete 4 Rounds of:
8 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24, 20in)
8 Hang Power Snatches (115, 80lb)
8 Thrusters
If all work is completed beneath the 8 minute cap, rest the remainder and wait until the 8 minute mark, right into…
In 7 min. complete 4 Rounds of:
8 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24, 20in)
8 Hang Power Snatches (115, 80lb)
8 Thrusters
If all work is completed beneath the 7 minute cap, rest the remainder and wait until the 15 minute mark, right into…
In 6 min. complete 4 Rounds of:
8 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24, 20in)
8 Hang Power Snatches (115, 80lb)
8 Thrusters
If all work is completed beneath the 6 minute cap, rest the remainder and wait until the 21 minute mark, right into…
In 5 min. complete 4 Rounds of:
8 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24, 20in)
8 Hang Power Snatches (115, 80lb)
8 Thrusters
Scaled weights are:
INTERMEDIATE and Ages 45-49, 16-18
95, 65 lb
24, 20in
Ages 35-39, 40-44
115, 80 lb
24, 20in
Ages 50-54, 55-59
75, 55 lb
24, 20in
Ages 60-64, 65+
65, 45 lb
24, 20in (Step-up and over allowed)
Ages 13-15
65, 45 lb
45, 35lb
24, 20in (Step-up and over allowed)
Athletes note the time on the clock when you finish each set of 4 rounds. This is the tiebreaker for your competition.
Score your total reps, or if you finish the workout completely your score will be the time you finished.