9.17.2021 RUN CURTIS P

POPSICLES at Practice.

2 Rounds of Clean Warm-up: 10 Reps of each movement.
Dynamic Stretch

3 postion Power Clean (Bottom to Top)
2 reps EMOM for 5 min.
1 rep EMOM for 5 min.


For Time:
4 Rounds
10 Curtis P  50% BW
200m Run

1 Rep of Curtis P = Power Clean + Front Rack Lunge both legs + S2OH

KOT – Nordic 10 Reps
KOT – Reverse Sled Pull 100ft.

Hwy 40 Throwdown Participants, please let Cal know the movements that your team members are going to do for Workout #2 on Saturday…Back Squat, Strict Press or Deadlift?  This information needs to be reported to Steamboat CrossFit tomorrow evening.

Please make sure that you sign the Competition Waiver.  Each team has a waiver with team members names on it.  Please fill in ALL the information.

Here are keys to success at the Throwdown.

  1. Make sure you show up prepared.  Do you have your shoes, jump rope, belt etc.
  2. Do you have food and hydration supplies for a long day.  The store is a long ways away from the gym.
  3. Know your teams strategy going in to each workout.  Stick with your plan, do not be distracted by all that is going on around you. Communicate with each other.
  4. Know what weight you need to have on the bar, that is your responsibility not the judge.
  5. If you get a NO REP, it is because you did a NO REP.  Don’t argue, just move on with complete movement.
  6. If possible watch the heats in front of you, and learn from what you observe.
  7. Have Fun, Enjoy the Competition, Give it Your Best.