POPSICLES at Practice.
2 Rounds of Clean Warm-up: 10 Reps of each movement.
Dynamic Stretch
3 postion Power Clean (Bottom to Top)
2 reps EMOM for 5 min.
1 rep EMOM for 5 min.
For Time:
4 Rounds
10 Curtis P 50% BW
200m Run
1 Rep of Curtis P = Power Clean + Front Rack Lunge both legs + S2OH
KOT – Nordic 10 Reps
KOT – Reverse Sled Pull 100ft.
Hwy 40 Throwdown Participants, please let Cal know the movements that your team members are going to do for Workout #2 on Saturday…Back Squat, Strict Press or Deadlift? This information needs to be reported to Steamboat CrossFit tomorrow evening.
Please make sure that you sign the Competition Waiver. Each team has a waiver with team members names on it. Please fill in ALL the information.
Here are keys to success at the Throwdown.
- Make sure you show up prepared. Do you have your shoes, jump rope, belt etc.
- Do you have food and hydration supplies for a long day. The store is a long ways away from the gym.
- Know your teams strategy going in to each workout. Stick with your plan, do not be distracted by all that is going on around you. Communicate with each other.
- Know what weight you need to have on the bar, that is your responsibility not the judge.
- If you get a NO REP, it is because you did a NO REP. Don’t argue, just move on with complete movement.
- If possible watch the heats in front of you, and learn from what you observe.
- Have Fun, Enjoy the Competition, Give it Your Best.