We will miss this guy. It has been great to have you here this summer. Good luck with the next chapter in your life ALONSO.

Coaches Choice
Dynamic Stretch

Strict Press Behind the Head (OTR)
10    (4)3     (3)2    2


For Time:
3 rounds of
6 Sandbag Squats 100/80
6 Burpee Over Sandbag
100m Run
2 rounds of
12 Sandbag Squats 100/80
12 Burpee Over Sandbag
200m Run
1 round of
18 Sandbag Squats 100/80
18 Burpee Over Sandbag
400m Run

Sandbag must be held on the shoulder or behind the head for the sandbag squats.  Jump over the sandbag on the Burpees

KOT-Reverse Step-up – Off 3″ Riser


HWY 40 Throwdown Workout 1 has been released. This workout is to be done at your home box in the next week.  Results must be submitted on 12th.  We will schedule the workout for Thursday, Friday and Saturday morning. Hopefully you can get your team together to complete the workout. The workout is posted at the box.