Sam and Jake
Run or Row 800m.
Dynamic Stretch
2 rounds of the Squat Clean Warm-up, 7 Each of, Rack Delivery, Tall Muscle Clean, Front Squat, Tall Squat Clean.
3 position Squat Clean (Top to Bottom)
1 rep EMOM for 10 Min.
Build to a heavy set over the course of the 10 min.
For time:
100 Wallballs 20/14
On the 2 min. Run 200m
Start with Wallballs
“Lets make sure that our squats are meeting the hip crease below knee standard.” If need be, set up a target to help you achieve the standard.
KOT – Reverse Step up – 20 Reps
(Place the Slant Board on a 3″ Riser if you have been keeping up with the KOT protocol.)