8.20.2021 PEDAL N SNATCH

Keyla and Luis

2 rounds – Bike 15 Calories followed by Snatch Warm-up, (10 Reps of Snatch High Pull, Tall Muscle Snatch, Press Behind Neck, OH Squat, Press in Snatch, Snatch Balance )
Dynamic Stretch

3 Position Squat Snatch Bottom to top.
3 Reps with empty bar then add weight and start the clock.
1 Rep EMOM for 12 Min.
Build Weight


For Time:
21-15-9 Reps of
Calories on the Bike
Snatch 105/75

This is a fast workout. We will go in 2 heats if neccessary.

Get your HWY 40 Throwdown team name and division
as well as t-shirt size on the board.
KOT – Nordic 10 – Reps

Highway 40 Throwdown Participants we must send in the Team Names, Team Divisions, Team Entry Fees, and T-Shirt sizes TODAY!!!!, (Friday).  Please make sure that you write your team name and divison, (RX, Scaled, Novice),  on the whiteboard next to the individual team members names.  Please put your t-shirt size next to your name.  This must be done today!!!!!   I must email the info by Friday Night (that is tonight).