3 Rounds of 10 each
Rack Delivery, Tall Muscle Clean, Push Jerk,
and 5 Ring Swings
Dynamic Stretch
Clean and Jerk
Use these reps to warm-up your C&J for the WOD.
Make a determination on the weight you will use for the 4 segments of the WOD
WOD: UP n UP n UP n UP
For Time:
5 Clean and Jerk 95/65
1 Ring Muscle-up
5 Clean and Jerk
1 Bar Muscle-up
4 Clean and Jerk 135/85
2 Ring Muscle-up
4 Clean and Jerk
2 Bar Muscle-up
3 Clean and Jerk 155/105
3 Ring Muscle-up
3 Clean and Jerk
3 Bar Muscle-up
2 Clean and Jerk 165/115
4 Ring Muscle-up
2 Clean and Jerk
4 Bar Muscle-up
12 min. Time Cap
4 x 15 GHD sit-ups
Here is a good start on the TOES OVER KNEES GUY information.