800m Run at a comfortable pace.
Dynamic Stretch
Skills and Practice:
With “MURPH” tomorrow we are going to spend time today working on skills.
“MURPH” INFORMATION for Saturday Morning.
- Heat times are 6:30, 7:45, and 9:00 AM.
- Please arrive at least 15 min. proir to your heat start time.
- We will spend the 10 minutes before your heat starts watching a short video about Lt. Michael Murphy.
- Please put $20 or what ever you can in the “Hero WOD Jar”. In exchange you will get a great breakfast, thanks to Kris Mackowski, Toots Cherrington and Tami Cherrington.
- The money we raise via the “Hero WOD Jar” will be donated to a local charity this year. If you have ideas on a deserving local charity please talk to Cal.