2.26.2021 OPEN 21.3 & 21.4

Dualing C2B Pull-ups. Malena and Luis square off on OPEN 21.3

Sign-up on the whiteboard for a station and a time slot to complete OPEN 21.3 & 21.4
Fill out a scoresheet for OPEN 21.3/21.4
Row or bike for 5 min.
Dynamic Stretch
Your warm-up should focus on the Max Load Complex of Deadlift, Clean, Hang Clean and Jerk. This is a new movement to many of us. so you need to practice the sequence without much weight before you get heavy.
The limiting factor will be your Jerk, so, build up to the weight you know you can Jerk and call it good. When you report to your station you will need to lay out your plates so that you can load your bar efficiently because you will be tired and time will be short. Have a plan in mind as to what your attempts will look like. You probably have 3 good attempts in you before you run out of gas.
When you report to your station for the workout you will need to load the bar for the Front Squat/Thrusters and warm up your hands for the pulling movements.  Please know what your weight requirements are in advance of reporting to your station.

WOD: CrossFit OPEN 21.3 &21.4

Open 21.3

For total time:
15 Front Squat  95/65 – 65/45 65/45 45/35 – PVC
30 T2B / T2B / K290 / Sit-ups / Sit-ups
15 Thrusters 95/65 – 65/45 – 65/45 – 45/35 – PVC
Rest 1 min.
15 Front Squat
30 C2B Pull-ups / Pull-ups / Pull-ups / Jumping Pull-ups / DB Rows
15 Thrusters
Rest 1 min.
15 Front Squat
30 Bar Muscle-ups / C2B Pull-ups / Pull-ups / Pull-ups / Push-ups
15 Thrusters

RX – RX 55+ ScaledScaled 55+Foundations

Time cap: 15 min

Immediatly into

Open 21.4

Complete the following complex for max load:

1 deadlift
1 clean
1 hang clean
1 jerk

Time begins immediately following the completion of 21.3 or at the 15 min. mark of 21.3

Time cap: 7 min.

Judge a workout
Cheer someone on
Eat some great food and celebrate the end of the 2021 CrossFit OPEN
and the results of the Clean Eating Challenge.