3.14.2021 OPEN 21.1 REPEAT

Maggie and Matt…Wall Walking done!!!

We are open today at 2 pm for anyone who still needs to complete 21.1 or wants to repeat it. You are also more than welcome to come in and watch, judge a workout or do some mobility.

Here is important information regarding theStand Firm CrossFit CUPcompetition. With only two weeks left in the OPEN things will happen very fast so be sure to keep up by reading the Workout of the Day page at standfirmcrossfit.com everyday.

Every member of your team is important and can contribute in many ways to earn points towards your team score. In the end it will come down to just a few points to determine the winning team.
To Highlight how points are earned for your team:

  • 1 pt. Complete and submit your results CrossFit OPEN workout.
  • 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 pts. Possible for placing in your age division in a OPEN workout.
  • 5 pts. For attendence at “Friday Night Lights“. You do not have to workout on Friday Night.
  • 2 pts. For being dressed VISABLY and OBVIOUSLY in “Theme of the Week” when you attend “Friday Night Lights” or when you come in to do your OPEN workout.
  • 1 pt. For judging an OPEN workout. Limit 5 judging points per week.
  • 3 pts. Complete or UPDATE your CrossFit profile. It needs to be more than a couple sentences long and it needs to clearly indicate that it is current and up to date. How you do that is up to you.
  • 3 pts. Place a profile photo on your CrossFit profile page.
  • 3 pts. Place a cover photo on your CrossFit profile page.
  • 14 points. Place as many statistics as you can on your profile page. This is stuff like; height, weight, deadlift, Fran time, etc.   You may not have all the stats they ask for, but everyone has a some of them.
  • BONUS POINTS.  You will have an opportunity to earn some really significant bonus points over the next 2 weeks. Stay tuned in here and ask your coach for help.

Stand Firm CrossFit
“Mega Diaper Drive

As many of you know there is something in the water at Stand Firm CrossFit. Consequently, it seems that we have a diaper drive at least once a year. And this year we are having a MEGA diaper drive. We have 3 families that are expecting and 1 family that had a baby in the midst of the pandemic.  Everyone in the Stand Firm CrossFit family is welcome to contribute to the MEGA Diaper Drive.
Those of you in the OPEN can earn points for your team by donating diapers to the cause. Because we need to spread out the sizes of the  diapers being brought in we will award points of various values for different diaper sizes. We will also award points for wipes if that is what you prefer to bring in. On top of that there will be a single set of bonus points awarded to the team that does the best job of bringing in a balance of the various diaper sizes. We do not want all the diapers to be Size 1 for example.
Look over the Diaper Drive scorecard in the gym for help in understanding the way this will work.